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Data format requirements and sample data:

Input cancer type.


Private means that the data can only be accessed through the IP address of the computer currently submitted.
Public means that everyone can access the data.
Of course, if someone uses the data you have disclosed, we hope that he can join it to the reference.
For the sake of database security, we prohibit users from deleting data by themselves. If users need to delete relevant data, they can contact us by email(ouyangjian12@163.com), and we delete relevant data from the background.

Input the citations for your datasets.

Input email address which we can contact with your.

Pan-cancer analysis
Should pick dataset first before other condictions
Gene symbol,Gene ID,ensembl_gene_id,version
Adjust KM Plot
Combination Analysis
Should pick dataset first before other condictions
Gene symbol,Gene ID,ensembl_gene_id,version
Gene symbol,Gene ID,ensembl_gene_id,version
Adjust KM Plot
Univariate analysis
Should pick dataset first before other condictions
Gene symbol,Gene ID,ensembl_gene_id,version
Adjust KM Plot
Multivariate Analysis
Only gene symbol.
Should pick dataset first before other condictions

                                      High group                         Low group
Advanced Modeling